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Summer Youth Apprenticeship Program, 2022
Sloss Metal Arts, Birmingham. Alabama

Student work in response to "Form & Void"

Instructor of Record, Alfred University

Beginning Sculpture, Spring 2020 Semester

For this assignment, students were asked to create an object using bent and welded 1/8th inch steel pencil rod and cast abaca paper. These objects were to have no dimension greater than 18 inches, and to equally balance areas covered by paper with those left open. A number of students had wanted to paint their works, but we lost access to these sculptures due to Covid-19, and they remained unfinished.

Student work during Online Segment

Instructor of Record, Alfred University

Beginning Sculpture, Spring 2020 Semester

Once we lost access to our classroom, my syllabus pivoted dramatically, and I assigned videos of interviews and readings, and allowed students the option of fulfilling assignments with proposal sketches and writing, rather than finished work to be produced out of quarantine.  

Student work in response to "A Thing to Hold" Instructor of record, Alfred University: Beginning Sculpture, Spring 2020 Semester

This is the first assignment I give to introduction classes, and is aimed to help students begin thinking three-dimensionally and reductivaly. This assignment also helps me to assess their confidence with hand tools, and how to pace following assignments. Students learn how to mix plaster, make a simple box form-mold, and the various states of plaster as it dries.

Teaching Assistance, Alfred University

 Introduction to Sculpture, Foundations Color Theory